12 Apr Toneworks SOLD OUT
Amazingly, our first run tours of Toneworks are now SOLD OUT. We are hoping to add more tour dates in the summer, please keep an eye on our Facebook page or signup to our newsletter to learn when new dates are added....
Amazingly, our first run tours of Toneworks are now SOLD OUT. We are hoping to add more tour dates in the summer, please keep an eye on our Facebook page or signup to our newsletter to learn when new dates are added....
Somerset Council have asked us to share information regarding the diversion of an existing footpath as its current trajectory runs through several properties. The Order and Notice can be viewed in the links below. Click Here to view the Order Click Here to view the Notice...
Wellington Town Council are delighted to report that Darren Hill will be joining our team as our Open Spaces Manager in April. The Town Council created the post as part of its decision to take over ownership and responsibility for the management of all the...
We have just had confirmation that the temporary Banking Hub at 30 Fore Street will be opening on Monday 18th March. Its hours will be 9am - 5pm with a different bank being represented each weekday. Information on which banks are available on which days...
The Wellington Town Council Newsletter makes a return! We are broadening our horizons when it comes to communication and hope that you will be able to join us on this journey as we re-launch our newsletter this March. If you are interested in more in-depth and longer...
These are exciting times to be joining Wellington Town Council as we prepare for the biggest change in what we do for 50 years. We are looking for someone to join our growing team to develop and manage our green spaces strategy. We currently manage around...
An election has been called in the North Ward of Wellington. Information on how to nominate a candidate and how to vote can be read here. If any election is contested, then a poll will take place on Thursday 21st March 2024....
You may have already seen the good news that a temporary Banking Hub will be set up at 30 Fore Street while Cash Access UK search for a more permanent home. While we do not yet have an opening date to share, Cash Access UK...
Wellington Town Council voted last night to take responsibility for a range of assets and services currently delivered by Somerset Council which it will either be ceasing to provide or is charging to carry on providing from 1 April 2024 as a result of the...
You will have seen the press coverage about the financial difficulties that Somerset Council is facing over the next financial year and beyond. To enable it to balance its books it is asking Town and Parish Councils to take on responsibility for managing and funding some...