23 Jan Wellington Place Plan
Somerset West and Taunton are now consulting on the Draft Wellington Place Plan. The consultation will take place from Monday 23 January to Monday 20 February 2023.
This is a statutory consultation exercise, which is a requirement for the Council in order to be able to adopt this planning document as a material consideration. The document sets out a vision for Wellington and looks at how to address key issues in the town.
The Draft Wellington Place Plan is set around six key objectives for the town to be:
- An accessible place
- A town rooted in its setting
- Celebrating our industrial and commercial heritage
- Setting a high bar for sustainability
- A welcoming town and centre
- A resilient town
This consultation exercise builds on the visioning exercise that was held in October last year, seeking community participation in creating a vision for Wellington to inform and influence the evolution of this Plan.
Why your views matter
Your say is key in planning for Wellington and we want to know what you think. The Draft Wellington Place Plan seeks to set out a vision for the community and a plan that can make this happen.
This is an exciting time for Wellington, with lots of opportunities for the area that come along with the arrival of the new Railway Station. We want to keep up the momentum that this opportunity brings to the town and set out ambitions and aspirations for addressing issues affecting Wellington now and in the future.
You can submit your views via the online form here
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